オウ イセイ | |
専門分野 | 大気環境化学、分析化学、生命化学 |
職位 | 助教 |
学位 | 博士(工学) |
http://oseiyo-research.sub.jp/index-j.php http://s-read.saitama-u.ac.jp/researchers/pages/researcher/swSfYuTA |
経歴 | 2012年 山東農業大学(中国)農学部種子科学および工学専攻 卒業 |
研究紹介 | 大気中の有害化学物質と花粉アレルゲンの複合的な反応メカニズムの解明、およびそれらの生体影響や健康リスクの評価 |
研究業績(論文) | Study on the Characteristics of Size-Segregated Particulate Water-Soluble Inorganic Ions and Potentially Toxic Metals during Wintertime in a High Population Residential Area in Beijing, China,
Dissolution factors and oxidative potential of acid soluble irons from chlorite mineral particles,
Characterization of allergenicity of Platanus pollen allergen a 3 (Pla a 3) after exposure to NO2 and O3,
Characterization, Pollution Sources, and Health Risk of Ionic and Elemental Constituents in PM2.5 of Wuhan, Central China,
Size characteristics and health risks of inorganic species in PM 1.1 and PM 2.0 of Shanghai, China, in spring, 2017,
Studies on relationships between air pollutants and allergenicity of Humulus Scandens pollen collected from different areas of Shanghai, Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol.95(2020):43-48 (2020).
Oxidative Potential induced by ambient particulate matters with acellular assays: a review, Processes, Vol.8(11), 1410; 22 pages (2020).
Size distribution of Platanus acerifolia allergen 3 (Pla a3) in Shanghai ambient size-resolved particles and its allergenic effects,
Chemical characteristics of water-soluble ions and metal elements in ambient particles of Saitama, Japan during the spring Asian dust event, 2017, |
所属学会・協会 | 日本環境学会 日本花粉学会 日本大気環境学会 |
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